Friday, October 2, 2015

Deadman's Dentures - The scary origins of false teeth, dental mplants, prices

Dentures and dental implant history is not for the delicate..

The unsavory origins of dentures, the miracle of dental implants, mini implants (4 on 1) and how all this relates to your car tires ~

Dentures have a history that many a necrophiliac would appreciate. The Etruscans of Northern Italy made dentures out of human or animal teeth prior to the Romans. America's first President George Washington, one of the more famous denture wearers wore dentures made of hippopotamus ivory implanted in a wooden prosthesis. These first dentures were very uncomfortable and disfigured his face.They had to be taken off before any meal.

The popularity of the use of sugar beginning in the 18th century created a rise in the number of dentists. And the demand for replacement of the public's rotten teeth. This dentists started making dentures with real human teeth because dentures made from ivory and animal teeth easily stained, gave off a foul smell, and were were uncomfortable to wear.

But the story of dentures gets worse and worser...
Dentists obtained human teeth from executed criminals, poor people who needed the money, or from grave robbers who took them from corpses. The poor sold a healthy tooth in London for today's equivalent of $70usd. But these teeth were usually poor quality due to the lifestyle of the former owners. Sadly, one of the best sources of good quality teeth was the battlefield because most of the men who died were young and healthy.

Waterloo teeth were teeth snatched from dead soldiers from the Napoleonic, Crimean and American Civil Wars. Although these dentures were more comfortable than those worn by George Washington, it’s unsavory origins didn’t sit well with the toothless upper class.
Figure 2: A set of dentures using Waterloo teeth from the British Dental Association Dental Museum. These still required metal hardware to function and fit correctly.

 They would eventually rot, turn brown and become rancid. Worse - people would be infected by contagious diseases such as syphilis from these things. Rich people at this time preferred teeth made of silver, gold, mother of  pearl or agate.

The battle of Waterloo in 1815 which resulted in 50,000 dead, created a bonanza for the scavenging ghouls beyond the usual money, rings and other personal items they would rob from the dead and dying left on the battlefield.

Using pliers, they were able to extract innumerable” hogs heads” (54 gallon brewery barrels) of healthy teeth from the mostly young soldiers which were shipped primarily to dentists in England anxious for a new source of quality teeth for dentures.

Dentures of better quality Waterloo Teeth became the prized cosmetic dental fashion item for many dandys and fashionistas. This continued into the 1860’s wherein battlefield teeth were again harvested during the American Civil War and shipped to Europe for sale.

Your car tires and modern dentures have a common ancestor

Oil, autos, tires, rubber vulcanization, plastics and later acrylics are all linked to the invention of the modern denture.  

Goodyear Tires discovery of vulcanized rubber revolutionized dentures. This product can be molded to fit the mouth and the denture mounted properly and was relatively cheap.

Today's dentures are known for being uncomfortable, and even flying out of the mouth in public at inopportune times. This problem has been somewhat addressed with the use of modern implants for securing dentures.

1952 marks the origins of dental implants where an orthopedic surgeon discovered osseointegration. With a titanium cylinder inserted into bone to study bone healing, he noted the titanium grew into the bone. This discovery became the basis for the dental implant.

Quality implants by pioneer dental implant brands such as Nobel Biocare who pioneered the implant, can last 20 years to a lifetime. Dental implants can cost from $4,000 to $6,000 complete with implants, abutment and crown in most Western developed nations versus $2100 to $2600 in Mexico. In the Philippines the cost is a few hundred dollars less for the same branded implants according to a 2015 survey by Certified Dentists Internationale’.   

The cost differentials being largely due to the lower cost of living and clinic overhead in the the developing nations. The implant cost to the dentist for a name brand dental implant is the same everywhere. Same quality, lower cost is the rationale for the popularity of dental tourism today.

Less expensive off-brands are available for a little less but often only last 6-8 years. The additional investment in quality generally outweighs any savings.  Who wants to go back for more surgery to have their failed off-brand implant replaced after several years?

Photo: 4 on 1 Prosthesis

In recent years mini implant secured dentures and 4 on 1 prosthesis have become popular money saving alternatives to the expense of having 30 dental implants. Again the cost is substantially less in dental tourism destination countries such as Mexico, the Philippines, Thailand and India.

For Free estimates and referrals from Board Certified Dentists in Mexico or Asia, low dental tourism prices on dental implants, dental implant secured dentures, cosmetic dentistry, mini implants, oral restorations and more - Visit Certified Dentists Internationale'.

Contact Patient Adviser Dr. Cristina Terrado regarding medical or dental travel to Asia or Mexico send her a message at:

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